Kesava Sampath

Kesava (Kesh) is a New Zealand trained osteopath, graduating with a Masters of Osteopathy from UNITEC Institute of Technology, Auckland.

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 Is pain making you suffer? then we should be able to help you. - Body Wise Osteopathic Clinic, Aurora Health Center, South Dunedin

Osteopathy is a system of manual medicine, one that employs movement of the human body to help restore and maintain normal (or more normal) bodily function, so that the body is more able to 'help heal itself' from any stress/trauma/disease it may be exposed to, or develop.

Osteopathy employs a hands-on, holistic approach to the entire body, whereby the cause of the pain is sought after and treated accordingly. Osteopaths are primary health care providers, which means that you don't need a general practitioner's referral to see an osteopath.


Osteopaths are perhaps best known for providing effective treatment for back pain, Shoulder, knee or hip pain, Arthritic pain, Tennis / golfer’s elbow, Repetitive strain injury, Sciatica and trapped nerves, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Sports injuries and rehabilitation, Postural problems, Inability to relax, Some forms of headaches

What can we treat?